quinta-feira, 6 de junho de 2013

Well We All Have To Start Somewhere

Well we have to start somewhere am i right?
To anyone who might be reading this and relates himself with this sentence, this thought is for you

I know it is hard to have such a small bank, it seems like it doesn't even worth the effort of being so many hours a day in front of a computer "looking at numbers going up and down"as someone says... Altough this is true i think we do have to start somewhere, in almost any job you might apply in your lifetime you'll probably have to start from the bottom, so try to see it from this perspective, if you want to get to the top you'll have to study, learn (a lot of times through trial and error), and show what you worth.
Unlike real life jobs where even if you are good at what you do, you might still not get promoted, ever... At betfair if you are really good in what you're doing , then you are actually promoting yourself, you don't have to depend on anybody noticing how good you are. So i guess it's up to us to find what motivates us everyday so we can learn from our mistakes and get better for the next days. Find what motivates you, and think of that everytime things are not going well, it works for me.

Ok moving on,

Today i missed the first few races of the day due to work.

Like yesterday it didn't went great, but also didn't went too bad i guess.

The first few races of the day went really well, but after a couple of hours i started making many mistakes, i let one race went in-play and it costed me a somewhat reasonable red considering the bank size, i think that red was the trigger for many of the following mistakes i did, my in-play trading also wasn't very good today, many bad entry points costing me a few small reds. By the end of the day i got back to normal and things started flowing again.

As for the pre live it went ok, although i was caught in a couple of big swings against me because i was too slow to react.

I'm still trading the underdogs with 2€ stakes and will continue for a while, might raise the stakes a little bit if and when my bank grows a little more, but for now i'll have to hold on to the 2€ stakes and try to find the daily motivation and focus needed to trade the best i can.


06/06/2013: +6,06€  (+ 60,60%)
Markets: 37

Market Average: 0,16€
Greens/Reds: 31/6 (83,78%) (16,22%)
Actual Bank: 23,20€ 

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