sábado, 8 de junho de 2013


Today was a good day, only had 3 small reds.

Not much to say, i traded with 2€/3€ stakes again, i was caught a couple of times on a somewhat big drifts, one of them was the biggest red of the day (-0,67€), the other one i remember i was with about (-2€) but i was noticing signs that the market would still come down a few ticks, so i took my chance and still managed to take a small profit, could have easily been wrong and made the red even worst but it went ok for me.

These first days went very good, my bank is growing, it's always good to see our bank getting bigger everyday even if it's just by some small amounts, for now i'm just hoping to continue like these first days, maybe when and if a get a to a bigger bank i might start to try other approaches to the market, but that's still a long way down the road so let's stick to this patience game for now.


08/06/2013: +15,13€  (+ 151,30%)
Markets: 38
Market Average: 0,40€
Greens/Reds: 35/3 (92,11%) (7,89%)
Actual Bank: 52,49€

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