terça-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2013

Stupid Mistakes and a new small challenge

DEADLINE - 31/12/2013
PROFIT - 200€
MAIN GOAL - No more stupid mistakes

Well... Not really...

I've been doing a lot of stupid mistakes recently, i came to realise that after a few days/weeks of nice steady results i tend to lay back a bit and i imediatly get punished, well i don't even think getting punished is bad, it is indeed very good so i can get punched right in the face and get back to my normal levels of trading, what i do think it's bad it's what i have been doing lately, i have found myself chasing a few bigger reds every now and then, not being aware of races going live, etc, and as i know very well this can and will go extremly bad someday...

So this is the main reason for this new post, i'm going to make a small challenge until the end of the month, but this challenge will be a little bit different for me from the regular challenges we can find pretty much everywhere, what i mean is that regular challenges normally have an amount of profit to reach in a certain amount of time or something along those lines, well the goal of my challenge will be a bit different, although i'm setting an amount to reach aswell, but the main goal will be about reducing/eliminating the number of avoidable errors.

What do i count as avoidable errors?

Well definetly not reds, having reds per say is not a mistake, when trading we gonna have both greens and reds, of course some of them might be considered mistakes for some reason but in genereal i'm not going to consider a red a mistake unless i really consider i've made a mistake in trading.

So, what are those errors then?
Leaving stakes open to close in running intentionally.
Leaving stakes open to close in running unintentionally(like not noticing a race going in running).
Increasing stakes chasing reds.
Trading in running chasing reds.
Not taking small reds.
Trading in tilt mode for any reason related to trading or not.
A lot others that i might not remember now but i will post if they eventually happen.

I'm not really concerned if i will reach the 200€ or not, but i will definetly not be happy if i keep making stupid mistakes on a regular basis.

My bank will be around 200€, i'm going to trade mostly pre race, i'll try to update daily.
If this challenge goes well i will probably start a new and bit bigger one in January.

Wish me luck.

4 comentários:

  1. Fiquei surpreendido com o que li, pensado eu que não cometias erros com tanta frequência e afinal enganei-me. Os erros que apontas-te só de ocorreram neste último mês ou têm sido regulares e foram maiores???

  2. Haha, sabes bem que toda a gente comete erros, felizmente para mim não é algo regular, mas sim ultimamente tenho me desleixado um bocado e tenho reparado que tenho feito muito mais asneiras do que é normal...
    De qualquer maneira não foi nada de maior, continuo com lucro mas fico um bocado desiludido quando depois de analisar as coisas percebo que o lucro poderia ser muito maior...

    Mas pronto, agora é voltar a aumentar os niveis de concentração a ver se volto a entrar nos eixos nestes proximos dias.

  3. Boas
    Isso e normal baixar os niveis de concentração e dps da asneira a mim acontese as vezes mas claro que tens de corrigir isso .
    Força ai que tens valor e sabes o que fazes e so uma questão de ajustar as coisas .

    1. Boas

      Sim isto ao fim de algumas horas perde se um bocado a concentração e mesmo a vontade de ainda estar a fazer trade, ainda por cima só em pre live é extremamente aborrecido mas pronto é algo a ter em conta daqui para a frente, é tentar arranjar forma de dar volta a isto.

