sexta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2013

Day 3

Terrible day today... I'm very disappointed with myself.

Today i think i found one of the reasons i'm making those stupid mistakes i've been making lately, i was trading just fine throughout the day when by the middle of the day i just find myself frozen after taken a big loss trading in live... Yeah i had a 52€ red that costed me pretty much the whole profit of the day... The good thing is i think i identified one of the reasons for so many mistakes lately.

Previously to November i was working, so my time for trading was a bit limited, but since the beggining of November i'm full time trading, by full time trading i mean trading pretty much all available UK races of the day and sometimes the IRL races aswell...
What i'm trying to say is that i'm extremly bored throughout the day, so i find myself in some awkward situations like trading in live just to get a little excitment(well isn't that smart), more than a year ago i used to trade almost exclusively in live for a few months, i even had much bigger profits than i have now, the thing is i couldn't accept well the higher variance in daily profits i had, and the fact that i sometimes didn't deal very well with some bigger reds, that were some of the main reasons i started to learn to trade pre live, so nowadays when i trade in live i'm a little(a lot) rusty, and find myself not doing very well, so why do i do it then? I don't know... I guess i shouldn't be doing it but there's always one or two races p/day where i feel the urge to trade in live, and ocassionally things don't go well and i end up turning an ok green day into a red day in a matter of seconds.... This is definetly something i will have in mind from now on and try to work on. I will probably try to keep away from going live with exception to long races with hurdles i might still do occasionally.

The rest of the day went ok, could have had a nice day today but that big loss ruined it, still managed to end up with a small green but i'm not happy at all.
Going to be aware of this tomorrow and try to get back on track.

Day 3: 1,84€
Overall: 63,46€

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