sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2013

Challenge Complete - Well that escalated quickly


Honestly didn't think i was going to complete the challenge so soon, mainly because i wasn't really counting on trading all last 7 days, but i'm glad i did it now. This last day went reasonably well, my only red was due to internet going down for a few minutes, when it came back the odd had gone against me a lot of ticks which costed me the biggest red of all challenge, but no big deal, we just need to keep it cool when this things happen and don't let it get to our heads, just continue trading the same way and the red will pretty soon be more than recovered.

I didn't want to set a deadline for the challenge in order not to chase some averages or eventually reds but i got to admit i had set in my own mind to end it until the end of October, so i have to say i'm pretty happy to end it in 7 days.

So what now?

I'm not sure but i'm probably starting a new and little bigger challenge soon, it is not the same thing going from 10 to 150 as it is going from 150 to 1000, the main reason being that i cannot raise my stakes much more in the underdogs, i did trade favorites for about a month or so but i can't really say i know what i'm doing so i don't think i will start a challenge doing something that i don't really have much experience, but i do intend to learn how to trade the favorites much better, but that will probably won't be happening that soon.

So i'm probably going to be doing the same thing i've been doing so far, i might trade a bit more in live probably.

Well this concludes this challenge, hope it was enough to motivate anybody who has a hard time starting with small banks, but i hope this was enough to show that it is possible to build our own bank from scratch if you believe in yourself and keep improving your trading.

3 comentários:

  1. Muito bom, parabéns, e ainda por cima conseguis-te superar as tuas expectativas ;)E apesar de terminado este desafio,espero continuar a ver publicações tuas, pois tenho aprendido e ganhado motivação.


  2. Very impressive! Looking forward to following your new challenge.


  3. Muito bom vedder, parabéns pelos resultados!

