segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2013

Challenge - 26/08/2013

Hi guys,

Had a great day today, 100% green which is always good.

I wasn't even supposed to trade today with my daughter kindergarten closed for holidays i didn't think i was gonna have the time and patience to baby-trading-sitting, but she behaved and i did jumped into trading.

Started the day with 4€ stakes and ended with 5€ stakes which is the highest stake i will probably use for a long time, keep in mind that i use multiple stakes at the same time...

As i said day went reaaly great, i more than doubled my bank, and also made a video for the last 3 races.
The video isn't great, i had previously noticed then when i'm recording my trades i usually do some mistakes that i don't normally do, like being too passive in the market for example, so this time i tried not to fall into this and i ended up going too much agressive... Geez... Well i'm normally passive in the markets with this tecnique because i feel that i can make a few ticks p/ race if i play on the safe side, but in the video i wasn't exactly passive but i won't say i was too much agressive either, it's just i think if i wasn't recording i would have done some scratches and cut a few small reds much faster, and opened more trades, but there's really no way to tell for sure i guess... Video is still uploading, will post it tomorrow, or edit this post later.

Edit: Here it is.

Just jumped from level 2 to level 7 in the challenge which is pretty good if you ask me, 8 more levels to go...

Current Bank: 71,58€ - Level 7

3 comentários:

  1. Sem dúvida mais uma grande ajuda, para quem está a dar os primeiros passos neste mercado.Obrigado pela partilha.

    Continuação de um excelente trabalho, e continuarei a acompanhar ;)


  2. Boas, muito obrigado pelo elogio.

    Estes dias tem corrido bem mas infelismente não será sempre assim, no entanto e para já estou contente com a evolução desde o inicio deste blog que tem sido muito melhor do que eu inicialmente previa.

    Mais uma vez muito obrigado por acompanhares, alguma dúvida estas à vontade para colocar.


  3. Muito bom ! estou a ler desde inicio e como não falas muito de entradas e saidas fiquei na duvida de como trabalharias e realmente ate aqui ja parecias ter uma boa noção do mercado, com bom controlo .

    Parabens , abraço
