segunda-feira, 5 de maio de 2014

Challenge (8000€) - May

Hey guys, i just started a new challenge, this is the first challenge i post on blog that i'm pretty sure i won't be able to achieve for some reasons, between work and some days where i will have to take care of my daughter amongst other things, so i can't be sure how many days will i be able to trade and set a more realistic challenge according to the time i will have available... But anyways, this challenge will be a longer one, until the end of the year, and i will try to reach 8.000€ profit, roughly 1.000€ a month, under normal circumstances i think i would be able to achieve this goal, but guess we will have to see how it goes, at least this first month i know i will be able to trade almost everyday so i really can't complain for now.

The challenge started yesterday but i didn't had the time to post about it yet so today will already be the 2nd day of the challenge.

To anyone following the challenge please be aware that this will be mostly a profit/loss prints challenge since i don't have much to say or teach, i will be doing the same type of trading i use to do in pre racing (you can search in previous posts for some youtube videos i posted a while back), but i will also trade live in a few races.

I won't make a new post everyday so i will probably just make one or two posts a month and edit them with daily results.

CHALLENGE -> 8000€
Starting Bank -> 300€

Total Profit/Loss -> 1252,89€

  04/05 -> +102,69€
05/05 -> +74,40€
06/05 -> +95,86€
  07/05 -> +131,02€
08/05 -> +96,17€
09/05 -> +69,67€
  10/05 -> +115,90€
11/05 -> Day Off 
12/05 -> +93,25€
13/05 -> +75,69€
14/05 -> +88,51€
  15/05 -> +125,12€
16/05 to 31/05 -> 184,61€

04/05 - +102,69€

Excelent day, 100% green, i would be very happy if my average day would be ike today, unfortunately as i know that won't be possible so i will have to settle for this to be the example to follow.

05/05 - +74,40€

Although the profit was good, i'm not happy with so many mistakes i did throughout all day, got caught in live twice for two big reds over 20€ each, i was just too slow closing my bad positions, on the positive side i have to say i did good not to try to chase those reds.

06/05 - +95,86€

Very nice profit but i have to say that it was a very weird day for me today, pre race markets were awfull, there were just too many races outside of my comfort odds so most of my profit came from trading in live.
I'm also noticing i'm not having enough patience to trade so many hours so i'll be considering trading less races p/day from now on whenever i see fit.

07/05 - +131,02€

Unlike yesterday today the markets and races were awesome for my pre race trading, i think around 80% of my profits came from pre race. It's the second time in four days where i got a 100% green day which is just awesome.

08/05 - +96,17€

Strange day today, i think i traded alright but my in play trading was far from the best, got a big red when i couldn't close my position fast enough as it completly flew against me, on the other hand i did get a couple of big drifts in my favor so i guess i can't complain.

09/05 - +69,67€

Traded a lot less races and almost exclusively pre racing today, markets were good to me with the exception of 1 race where i was caught in a very bad position and didn't cut the loss fast enough leading to a bigger red that could have been avoided.

10/05 - +115,90€

Had a great start today, made +30€ in the first few races which then led me to a nice and steady day 100% green once again. 
Unfortunately i just received terrible news today so i'm not sure if i will be able to trade at all during the next few days.

11/05 - Day Off
Withdrawn profits from previous days leaving a 500€ bank to continue trading.

12/05 - +93,25€

Pre race markets seemed a bit aggressive to me today, was caught in bad positions quite often but everything turned out ok. Could have done the rest of the daily races and try to get to 100€ profit but having to get up at 3am tomorrow for work means the smartest thing is to stop now, eat and sleep early.

13/05 - +75,69€

Not happy at all today, did some rookie mistake that i sadly tend to repeat from time to time, chasing reds...
Yep after all this time and experience and knowing what i should and shouldn't do i still do some of these mistakes that i guess we all do.
On the positive side i know exactly what mistake i did, when i did it, and why i did it...
This is nothing new so i guess i just have to punch myself in the face before i turn an occasional mistake into a regular mistake and in the process lose a big part or even all of my bank.

14/05 - +88,51€

Nice and steady day, profit came mostly from trading in running.
Once again could have done a few more races to try and reach 100€ but i was already bored so i ended my trading day a bit sooner.

15/05 - +125,12€

Very good day today, was focused all day and i hardly remember making any big mistakes which is awesome. I do like these days where i think i don't have much profit and when i look at p/l at the end of the day i get a nice surprise.
Won't trade the rest of the races as i need to sleep early, perks of starting work at 4am.

16/05 - As i predicted a few days ago i'll have to put this challenge on hold for a few days as i most likely won't be able to trade for a while, it won't be long though, hoping to come back by the middle of next week or next saturday worst case scenario.


16/05 to 31/05 - +184,61€

Sorry for the lack of recent updates, i've been going through quite some stuff in my personal life lately so my free time has been a bit short. I will continue the challenge but will probably update less regularly from now on.

May Total
04/05 to 31/05 - +1252,89€

quinta-feira, 1 de maio de 2014

Last 3 months

Hey guys, some people have been asking me lately if i'm still trading or blew up my bank amongst other things, so this post is just a quick update on my last 3 months.

I confess i did get lazy with the blog, i didn't knew what to write about anymore and i know you guys most probably don't just want to see P/L prints, but i honestly just don't know what to write about, i just keep doing the same boring stuff day after day so there isn't much i can talk about anymore. But moving on...

After my last post at the end of 2013 i didn't get to trade much, i was a bit sick from trading so i took a step back and in January and February i didn't trade as much as i usually do, at the beggining of March i got back to trading "full time", my results have been good enough for me although i might want to try and step up a level in my horse racing by the end of this year, i still didn't get to trade the favourites as i just keep leaving it for next month, in my defense i just don't feel motivated to do it as i'm having ok profits trading the underdogs and i'm pretty sure when i get into trading favourites i will lose some money before i can learn how to win some...

Just would like to say that i have been trading a lot more in live since March, my profits probably have been around 50-50 between pre racing and live.